Title I

Get to know your Title I program
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What is Title I?

“The goal of Title I is a high-quality education for every child, so the program provides extra help to students who need it most. These are children who are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all children.” Taken from Learn About Your Title I Program by Channing Bete

Title I is a federal grant to improve school programs. Bedford Elementary School is classified as whole school Title I. This allows all children to benefit from the program, personnel, and materials funded by Title I.

BES Title I program offers:

crayon Small group instruction
crayon A variety of teaching methods and materials
crayon Extra time for instruction
crayon On-going assessment
crayon Materials to help parents with reading at home

Activities for Home:

crayon Allow your child to help with the grocery list
crayon Explore the children’s section of books at the public library
crayon Encourage your child to read to you every night.
crayon Ask your child questions about the book he or she reads to you.
crayon Encourage good work habits at school

BES Title I Parent Family Involvement Policy